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Jennifer Jewell

FOODSCAPING - with Brie Arthur. Photo courtesy of Brie Arthur, all rights reserved.


As we look out over a new garden year, this weekbidding farewell to 2022 - a conversation to help us meet our garden learning goals for the New Year. Designers, writers, thinkers, and consummate plant-driven gardeners Annie Guilfoyle and Noel Kingsbury join us to share more about their year-round and globally accessible Garden Masterclass forum.

Annie is an award-winning garden designer, writer, instructor, and international lecturer based in England. Her design work has been featured in garden books and on television. For 18 years she was the director of Garden Design at the KLS School of Design. Noel is an internationally known plantsman, educator, designer, and prolific writer about plants, gardens, and the environment. He is well-known for his promotion of what is broadly called an ecological or naturalistic approach to evidence-based planting design.

These two leading voices in our horticultural world teamed up in in the 2000-teens to establish Garden Masterclass – a now multi-faceted endeavor to grow quality horticultural education in our world, Garden Masterclass is "aplace for garden designers, landscape architects, horticulture professionals, keen home gardeners to learn, and to share experience, knowledge, skills and ideas in gardening and landscape design." Garden Masterclass brings the whole world of gardening professionals together for the advancement of the whole world of gardening.

After having spoken for Garden Masterclass twice in the last three years, I am so pleased to have Annie and Noel with us on Cultivating Place - to round out 2022 and to bless the onset of 2023.

Follow Garden Masterclass, Annie Guifoyle, and Noel Kingsbury online :


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Generosity & Mutual Care of Seeds, K Greene Hudson Valley Seeds

JOIN US again next week, when we kick off 2023 with a multi-part series devoted to the international, national, and statewide endeavors to securely preserve 30% of our world’s biodiversity by 2030, we start off with Jennifer Norris, the Deputy Secretary for Biodiversity and Habitat at the California Natural Resources Agency – where she leads the state's 30x30 initiative and oversees "Cutting Green Tape" in support of landscape scale habitat restoration. Listen in.


Thinking out loud this week:

In this first new and waxing moon of the winter season – I hope you can rest, you can slow, you can lean into and be nurtured by the gentle and restorative darkness of this time of year. As gardeners, we require the same dormancy and chill-hours as our plant friends outside…..

And in your resting winter dormancy, I also hope you are able to dream big – luxuriously and expansively to the garden life you hope to grow and be grown by….

Dream deeply garden friends.

Happy New Gardening Year.




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