Pat Reynolds is a restoration ecologist with more than 30 years of professional experience in the design, implementation and monitoring of habitat restoration projects, including the effective use of native seed. He is the Director of River Partners’ Native Seed and Plant program, the former General Manager of Hedgerow Farms and a past Associate Restoration Ecologist at H.T. Harvey & Associates.
This week we continue our series exploring conservation and biodiversity support at the foundational level of seed—for scales large and small—in conversation with Pat. Heritage Grower’s high-quality habitat seed sourcing, grow out, and distribution to restoration projects, often in collaboration with their sibling endeavor, River Partners, is a model in getting high-quality source-identified seed for the right places in the face of increasing urgency for restoration, but also increasing hope as to the impact of restoration.
Listen in!
HERE IS THIS WEEK'S TRANSCRIPT by Doulos Transcription Service:
All photos courtesy of Pat Reynolds, Heritage Growers. All Rights Reserved.
You can follow Pat, Heritage Growers and River Partners' conservation work on-line: https://riverpartners.org/ and at https://heritagegrowers.com/
And on Instagram: @riverpartners/
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JOIN US again next week, when we AGAIN continue our multi-part seed series in conversation with three of the plant and seed folks from the Theodore Payne Foundation in Los Angeles County. The Theodore Payne Foundation’s native Plant and Seed conservation, education, and restoration work serves the wider community home gardeners, and the scientific community. It's great growing. Listen in!
Speaking of Plants and Place will be back next week....
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Thinking out loud this week:
Seems perfect in this series on ecological and restoration-level native plant seed sources to share more about the exciting fact that at The Garden Conservancy’s Garden Futures Summit at the New York Botanical Garden September 28th and 29th of this year, one of the lead speakers will be the UK’s Isabella Tree – the author of the best-selling Wilding AND more recently The Book of Wilding - a practical guide to rewinding big and small. This book was in many ways the beginning of the rewilding movement – and it does not disappoint in its story or its mission to help our regrow our gardens better.
I can’t wait to hear her speak at the conference, but if you can’t make the conference – you jus tmight be in luck, because right ofter the Garden Futures Summit, Isabella Tree will also be the Conservancy’s fall national tour speaker – check out garden conservancy.org/national speaking tour for places and dates!
It speaks to one of the things I love in this conversation with Pat and that is the focus on concepts like high value habitat, dynamic, heterogeneous, and unpredictable (synonymous here with adaptable and resilient). These can all be great characteristics in seed and in habitat.
In fact, great characteristics of life itself – in the best of our gardens too....
Speaking of my garden, as I write this, and we are leaning into that one last long weekend of spring and moving toward true summer, I am looking forward to a summer of time off. Well, kind of. I will be meeting up with you all here each week as usual, but I have closed my calendar to speaking engagement for most of June, July, and August. It’s summer, it’s our second and strongest dormant season here in the dry heat of Northern California, and it’s time for a little break for me.
I look forward to kicking off the book tour for What We Sow in late summer – to meeting many of you in person in your places – in Maine, In Ohio, in New York, In Oregon, and California, and more…I’d love to meet you and say hi in you’re near any of my upcoming events – to find out more – check out the list as it evolves each week – it’s all there at Cultivatingplace.com/events.
And happy summer vacation to you all! May you get to be in your garden, read some good books, swim in clear cold water, see some epic starry nights, take long naps, hear bird song, watch fireflies, and smell the roses..….
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