With the Chelsea Flower Show in the UK just completed, the gardening world as a whole has the concept of Garden Design awards and recognition - along with the garden world’s trends, concerns and priorities - top of mind. Such display and attention – and recognition well beyond the garden world – has the potential to move hearts and minds, and more importantly, to change minds and behaviors. We hope for the better.
In 2023, Pacific Horticulture, a non-profit leader in horticultural thinking and gardening up and down the Pacific Region of the US since 1976 (and rooted back even earlier), jumped into the arena of how we encourage, celebrate, recognize, and even incentivize garden design when they launched their inaugural Design Futurist Awards. These awards demonstrate the power of garden design to achieve climate resilience, steward biodiversity, and connect people with nature.
In 2023, the first year of the awards, “visionary designers and regional plantspeople submitted designs illustrating that our gardens can conserve plants and wildlife, treat our water and soil as precious, and hold the wellbeing of people at their center.”
The Design Futurist Awards celebrate “garden design that is easily replicable, modest in scale, or designed for intimate neighborhood community use” and I hope serve as a model for how to not just award but reward good garden design anywhere and everywhere.
This week, Sarah Beck, Pacific Horticulture’s Executive Director joins Cultivating Place to share more about the process and purpose of these awards – entries for which are being accepted now through July 26th, 2024.
Listen in!
All photos courtesy of Pacific Horticulture, all rights reserved.
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HERE IS THIS WEEK'S TRANSCRIPT by Doulos Transcription Service:
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JOIN US again next week, when we’re joined by ecologist and gardener Felix De Rosen talking to us about his research, work, and recent book A Garden's Purpose! That’s next week, right here, listen in.
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supporting initiatives that empower women and help preserve the planet through the intersection of environmental advocacy, social justice, and creativity.
Thinking out loud this week:
As we tend toward that moment of the solstice coming up - here is a June garden blessing adapted from other well known religious blessings - from my garden to yours, because the garden in every sense and season is where I find, meet, and grown by all that is divine:
May the peace and life of the garden be with you all.
And may the lessons and gifts - the grace - of the life of the garden go with you always.
Thank you May – and welcome to June, garden-life-loving people.
Cultivating Place is a co-production of North State Public Radio, a service of Cap Radio, licensed to Chico State Enterprises. Cultivating place is made possible in part listeners just like you through the support button at the top right-hand corner of every page at Cultivating Place.com.
The CP team includes producer and engineer Matt Fidler, with weekly tech and web support from Angel Huracha, and this summer we're joined by communications intern Sheila Stern. We’re based on the traditional and present homelands of the Mechoopda Indian Tribe of the Chico Rancheria. Original theme music is by Ma Muse, accompanied by Joe Craven and Sam Bevan.
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