ALL PHOTOS courtesy of Bevin Cohen, all rights reserved.
"The Garden is the heart of our Small House Farm life."
-Bevin Cohen
Bevin Cohen is the co-founder with his wife Heather Marie of Small House Farm – a homestead, a garden, a family, a bridge to the natural world around them.
Bevin writes: “The garden is where we meditate, harvest our seeds and learn about Mother Nature’s many wonders. We are avid seed savers, and amateur plant breeders. We believe that each seed is a connection to every grower that stewarded that variety before us – and every rower that comes after us.”
Through his books, his educational workshops and lectures, and now through his podcast, Seeds and Weeds, Bevin shares his small-farm big-life heartfelt world view.
In our ongoing exploration of who gardeners are, where gardeners are and what they are growing in this world, I am so pleased to be in conversation with Bevin this week.
Listen in!
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HERE IS THIS WEEK'S TRANSCRIPT by Doulos Transcription Service:
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JOIN US again next week, when we return to our intermittent series on seeds in conversation with Adam Alexander, author of The Seed Detective, uncovering the secret histories of remarkable vegetables. Just in time for planting our warm season vegetables here in the Northern Hemisphere. That’s next week, right here, listen in.
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supporting initiatives that empower women and help preserve the planet through the intersection of environmental advocacy, social justice, and creativity.
Thinking out loud this week:
I loved Bevin's observation and sentiment about his grandmother: she was not necessarily a gardener, but she knew and appreciated the cycle of the seasons just the same through her cooking and canning….and in this way people who might not be “hands in the dirt” gardeners, still rely on and impact in ways large and small those of us who are….good growing radiates out to everything. Never forget it.
Never underestimate it.
AH! And I cannot let this statement from Bevin go by without added emphasis! Did you hear that? I am sure you did and I am sure your ears perked up too:
"When we make decisions with just monetary gain in mind, we make them differently than when we’re thinking about what is best for ourselves, our families and the people around us."
Ad it’s not just the people around us is it? It’s actually all the lives around us. We can see in our broader world what thinking only in terms of monetary criteria or aesthetic criteria (and they are often related) have gotten us….I hate to be a killjoy but a world that is facing environmental disaster, cultural and economic insanity, the sixth mass extinction, gagillions of pounds of pesticides and herbicide and other related chemicals put on our land routinely - the US uses a FULL a quarter of all those kinds of chemicals used in the whole world. We use a quarter of them! so that’s where the monetary for profit framework has gotten us.
And so hearing from a family and farm like Small House Farm, that to me is a road to environmental, economic, cultural and individual sanity and beauty.
Cultivating Place is a co-production of North State Public Radio, a service of Cap Radio, licensed to Chico State Enterprises. Cultivating place is made possible in part listeners just like you through the support button at the top right-hand corner of every page at Cultivating Place.com.
The CP team includes producer and engineer Matt Fidler, with weekly tech and web support from Angel Huracha, and this summer we're joined by communications intern Sheila Stern. We’re based on the traditional and present homelands of the Mechoopda Indian Tribe of the Chico Rancheria. Original theme music is by Ma Muse, accompanied by Joe Craven and Sam Bevan.
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