As we come toward the finale of Women’s history month, this week we head Northwest - to Tacoma, Washington. Horticulturist/Plantswoman Tyra Shenaurlt is the horticulture resource supervisor at Metro Parks Tacoma, and after decades with the park department, she currently oversees a crown jewel in the cities many lovely parks, the hundred and fifteen year-old glass house, one of only three on the west coast, known as the W.W. Seymour Conservatory in Tacoma’s likewise historic Wright Park and Arboretum.
From March of 2021 to May of 22 the Seymour Conservatory underwent a massive restoration multi-million dollar renovation, and one year out from the completion of that Tyra joins us to share more.
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JOIN US again next week, when we finish up Women’s History Month with a bang in conversation with the United Kingdom’s Alice Vincent, whose newest book is very aptly: Why Women Grow. It’s is a celebration of what it means to be a thoughtful human and a caring gardener.
Cultivating Place is made possible in part by listeners like you and by generous support from
supporting initiatives that empower women and help preserve the planet through the intersection of environmental advocacy, social justice, and creativity.
Cultivating Place is also made possible through support from
In 2021, the Conservancy launched the Garden Futures Grants initiative, through which general operating grants typically ranging from $5,000 - $10,000 are awarded to small public gardens and nonprofit organizations making a significant impact in their communities through garden-based programming. Visit the Garden Conservancy's website to learn more about this application process; this year's application is now live through April 15!
Thinking out loud this week:
The Garden Conservancy, one of the national organizations which helps to make Cultivating Place possible, realizes more than ever the essential role that gardens play in our cultural, physical, and emotional health and wellbeing. With all of this in mind, the Conservancy is organizing its inaugural Garden Futures Summit on September 29 and 30, 2023. As an established thought leader in garden history and preservation, the Conservancy seeks to support and champion the extraordinary expansion of gardening in recent years. Through this two-day event, the Conservancy will explore what opportunities gardens uniquely present to us at this moment of societal and cultural reemergence.
The Garden Futures Summit will take place in-person at The New York Botanical Garden with online viewing opportunities. The summit will feature around two dozen invited speakers from across the gardening world in three sessions: environment, community, and culture. ...
And I will be one of these speakers! Hurray. In addition to speaking on my upcoming book: What We Sow, I will as well be leading an entire session on the state of seed in our world. It is sure to be a germinating gathering – hope to see you there.
At any of my upcoming speaking events, I would love to see you! I'll be speaking in Grass Valley California on this Saturday March 25th for a group presentation to the Master Gardeners of Nevada County and the Redbud Chapter of the California Native Plant Society.
I will as well be part of a fabulous day celebrating our native bees at Annie’s Annuals in the Bay Area on April 1st. For all details on my upcoming events – make sure to check out cultivatingplacec.com/events. See you out there on the road and in the gardens this growing season friends. Because it’s that kind of communion that makes so much of this growing that much greener and greater….
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