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Jennifer Jewell, Cultivating Place

"Money, pardon the expression, is like manure. It's not worth a thing unless it's spread around,

In its very young life, Cultivating Place has talked a lot about expanding our views on and understanding of the powerful nature of gardens, plants, and gardeners as intersectional spaces and agents of change for the better in our world.

We've talked about art, science and social justice; we’ve talked soil, water and spirit; about environmental degradation and environmental restoration. We’ve talked about both the losses of the world and the creative hope inherent in the gardening and nature-loving human impulse. We’ve talked about life in the garden from a rainbow of perspectives and about the LOVE of the garden and the love that radiates out into the world from our gardens and the nature we cultivate.

We’ve talked about the how our gardens and nature loving ways support us and our families, support our environment and our communities of people, of plants, and of the larger and more intricate web of life itself.

But today I want to talk about manure - and the nourishing compost in the form of money it takes to bring you the CP program and podcast every week. A co-production of North State Public Radio and me, with this first new moon of the fall planting season, the Cultivating Place team is rolling out its first campaign to create sustainable funding for the production of Cultivating Place going into the future.

And so...... with heart in hand....

I'm asking you to support the universally important conversations you love on

Cultivating Place

A sustaining gift of $10 a month is the most popular level, but just like the gardens we love,

size is not the important thing - heart is.

In deep appreciation for the encouraging manure to grow even more healthy young things in conversation,

- Jennifer, Sarah, and all the people and plants who make CP possible weekly

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